Raina’s life was threatened when she opened the door and entered an unnumbered room in the hotel run by her sister Fey. The white-haired, white-skinned woman also made her presence known. Taken from the true story of a haunted hotel in Semarang with the initial letter “S”. Followed by Lembang Wingit 2: Miss K (2024). Locations and landscapes in Indonesian horror movies are always hard. They really make me want to visit their beautiful country! However, the stories they’re based on are average. As far as haunted house movies go… this one honestly isn’t that bad, but it’s definitely not great. The intro actually engaged me somehow, enough to at least get me invested, especially considering there are some really cool parts… like the gore. However, in between the good parts there are some questionably stupid things, some of which hinder the progress. And several times it felt like things ended… just to make the movie go on and on. Looks like they’re going to turn this into a series. However, the special effects are excellent. There’s some really solid gore, so I’d say it’s worth watching for that alone. But it probably should have been shorter. 5/10.